CONNECT Allen County is a “No Wrong Door” access center, easing the way for community resources and supports.
CONNECT Allen County is a “one-stop shop” community access center helping youth, families and individuals get information on the resources and supports that are available—and how to access them. We want to speed up the process of you or your family getting the mental and emotional health, physical health and basic support that you need. When you make contact with CONNECT Allen County, either in-person or on the phone, you will be met by a staff whose first priority is helping you navigate systems. Our goals are to:
Raise awareness of, and provide access to, resources in Allen County
Identify family and individual resource needs, and work together to develop solutions
Decrease wait times for families and organizations to access services
We will provide the convenience of multiple providers in one location, more clarity on the service options available, and a comprehensive approach to addressing your needs. We hope to empower you to make the right service choices for you or your family by walking with you through the processes.
CONNECT Allen County was created by Our Children Our Future, the Allen County System of Care, and was made possible in part by The Lutheran Foundation and the AWS Foundation.
“People in our community should have the supports that their families need to thrive. Even with the wide array of providers in Allen County, it can still be difficult to navigate each system. At CONNECT Allen County, we want to provide a safe, comfortable place for families and individuals to not only learn what is available to them, but also how to access those supports. We all need help sometimes, and if providers work together, families in Allen County can succeed.”
— Kylie R., Our Children Our Future
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(260) 901-5480