Resources and services in our community.
Staying true to our “No Wrong Door Policy,” we are committed to connecting you to any organization in our community that you may need. Below is a list of our formal partnerships, but please know that we have contacts at most community organizations!
Offsite Partners:
Associated Churches
The mission of Associated Churches is: One hand joining another to build bridges by providing for the needs of the community. They believe in that in doing the work of the Kingdom they are able to: identify community needs; build partnerships; inspire others to join in service; bridge gaps to create an interdependent community. Associated Churches has partnered with CONNECT Allen County to provide CONNECT with emergency food bags so that clients experiencing food crises that walk through the doors of CONNECT Allen County can leave with the reassurance that they will be taken care of until ongoing services are able to get started. www.associatedchurches.org
Mission: Motherhood
Mission: Motherhood provides community-based programming to offer no cost maternal mental health services, volunteer based motherhood mentorships, and no strings attached access to high need items by establishing partnerships with local non-profit organizations to support mothers where they are at regardless of race, income, insurance, education, during their most vulnerable time. Mission: Motherhood has recently partnered with CONNECT Allen County to provide emergency access to diapers for clients and families in need. Learn more at www.missionmotherhoodfw.com
Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House of Fort Wayne believes in keeping families close when they need each other most. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Indiana provides a dedicated bridge of support to families of ill children and believes in the healing power of family. Whether it’s the Ronald McDonald House located inside Parkview Regional Medical Center which keeps families close during a child’s hospitalization or the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile which brings preventive health care to young children, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Indiana works to keeps families close to each other and the care they need to thrive. Ronald McDonald house has become an off site partner of CONNECT Allen County so that they are able to provide families utilizing Ronald McDonald House with connection to services and resources that they may need upon discharge. www.rmhc-neindiana.org
Just Neighbors
Just Neighbors’ mission is to serve homeless families by uniting religious congregations, community volunteers and local agencies in a cooperative effort to provide shelter, meals, and compassionate, comprehensive professional support. Just Neighbors Shelter assists families in moving from crisis to independence, self-sufficiency and permanent housing. Just Neighbors Outreach assists individuals and families who are seeking housing, trying to maintain housing, or who have lost housing and are seeking shelter. More information can be found at ihnfamily.org
New Mercies Ministries
New Mercies Ministries provides a host home for children who parents are in crisis. Parents can voluntarily have their children cared for while seeking to restore stability in their lives without the fear of losing custody. www.new-mercies.org
Building self-esteem through beauty and barber services to those who otherwise could not afford it - to inspire and motivate self-improvement, education, and success. www.wefaminc.org
A Hope Center
A Hope Center provides a host of resources, education, support services for women, men, and families experiencing unplanned pregnancies. All services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL, including pregnancy testing, sexually transmitted disease testing for women, limited first trimester ultrasounds, an education-based incentive program, pregnancy loss support, post-abortion recovery support, and fatherhood mentorship along with Burmese and Spanish translation services. Participants in the Earn While You Learn program can earn cribs, mattresses, diapers, wipes, baby food, and formula to participate in virtual and in-person parenting opportunities through the Earn While You Learn Program. www.ahopecenter.org
project.ME offers recovery support services to aid individuals in removing any barriers they have to entering into or sustaining long-term recovery. project.ME also offers harm reduction services and education for those struggling with substance use disorder, their support people and members of the community. www.projectme-fw.org