History: System of Care in Allen County

In 2009, Crossroad Child & Family Services, Inc. became the Access Center for the Community Mental Health Wraparound (CMHW) program in Allen County. Shortly after, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) requested that each Wraparound Access Center work toward developing a local System of Care Coalition to provide broad oversight for the CMHW programs. In response, Crossroad set out to create this local coalition made up of service providers in Allen County. Several employees at Crossroad Child & Family Services, Inc. dedicated time each month to the growth and facilitation of a local System of Care coalition. After several years, the need to expand the mission/vision of a local System of Care and thus, a full time System of Care Coordinator, became apparent. The local System of Care group was named Our Children Our Future, the Allen County System of Care (OCOF) and began using its own branding. Crossroad Child & Family Services, Inc. along with the rest of the System of Care coalition members then requested that a local foundation with a strong focus in mental health and addiction assume the facilitation of OCOF in order to provide potential long-term sustainability.

In 2016, DMHA awarded the grant to The Lutheran Foundation to employ a full time System of Care Coordinator to focus on growing the local System of Care coalition. The charge at that time was to create a county-wide access plan for community members in Allen County. A subcommittee was then created, forming a diverse group of agencies to begin the discussions. Early on, the goal for this subcommittee and the local System of Care, as a whole, became to create a physical Access Center with a “one-stop shop” atmosphere and a “no wrong door policy” for those in Allen County. This meant that we would have multiple providers in one location and that those in our community could come to the Access Center for assistance regardless of their need.

Current Status and Partnerships

In approximately four and a half years, the subcommittee was able to create a shared vision, acquire funding and secure partnerships, both onsite and offsite, throughout the community. The staffing partner, Choices Coordinated Care Solutions, Inc. was able to hire a Service Navigator and an Access Center Coordinator to run the daily operations of CONNECT Allen County. On April 16, 2021, CONNECT Allen County, a “No Wrong Door” access center, easing the way to community supports and resources was opened to the public. In 2022 CONNECT Allen County was able to secure additional funding allowing us to add two Service Navigators and a Program Assistant to our team. CONNECT Allen County is the first of its kind in Indiana having multiple providers in one location paired with Navigation and Care Coordination services. Located at 201 E. Rudisill Blvd, Suite B102, Fort Wayne, IN 46806, CONNECT Allen County is open to anyone without a required appointment or referral. If you, or someone you know is in need of services, supports or resources please stop in to see us or give us a call at 260-901-8450.